Bei der Betrachtung eines netzunabhängigen oder netzgekoppelten Energiesystems beschränken sich die beiden Hauptoptionen für erneuerbare Energieanlagen auf Photovoltaikanlagen und Solarmodule. Welches sind die Vorteile? Fossile Brennstoffe verursachen auch Luft-, Wasser- und Bodenverschmutzung und produzieren Treibhausgase, die zum Problem der globalen Erwärmung beitragen. Erneuerbare Energiequellen sind dagegen eine sauberere Alternative zu fossilen Brennstoffen. Sie produzieren viel…
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Solar Paneled Roads in the UK
The UK government proved once again that it’s not that conservative. By accepting the progressive renewable energy industry, the government planned few new highways across the Britain to be equipped with built-in solar panels. That plan Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most of their energy needs. But…
Conventional Plan Vs. Solar as a Service
There are much more advantages for using a Residential Solar monthly plan in comparison to using a regular energy plans. The main difference for the US and Canada is that the monthly bill price gets reduced two-fold, as compared to the Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most…
Moving Your Solar Panel with You
Moving to another location while being an owner of the solar panel, can seem a tricky business. But first thing you’ll need to do in such a situation is to get in touch with our customer support department. They will arrange a visit to your old location and Many nations still rely heavily on coal,…
Household Appliances & Money Saving
Even with renewable energy being much cheaper, than the regular electricity, it’s always nice to cut the end price even more drastically. Our solar power utility managers compiled few tips for you on cutting the energy consumption of 5 most popular Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most…